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Data Controller

The data controller is Future Company SRLS, whose headquarters are located in Piazzale Olimpia 18, 37135 Verona.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are used to store small pieces of information. They are stored on your device when the website is loaded on your browser. These cookies help us in making the website function properly, they make it more secure and they provide a better user experience. Finally, they help us to understand how the website performs as well as to analyze what works and where it needs improvement.

By accepting the following privacy policy, the user authorizes the use of cookies on the website.

You can change your mind at any time and modify or revoke your consent from the cookie policy which you can find on our website.

How do we use Cookies?

Our website makes use of several cookies, each with a specific purpose:

Navigation and functional cookies: Navigation and functional cookies improve the user experience. They contribute to the proper functioning of the website and to content visualization. They recognize the language and the market of the country from where the user connects. If the user is logged in, they permit to access to all the services offered and to identify the user upon the next log in session.

Third party and the Firm Shop Statistics: they are used to generate statistical analysis concerning user navigation on the website. These data are completely anonymous and they are used exclusively for statistical purposes. The website also makes use of third party cookies, whose installation is completely independent and controlled by the said third parties.

Third party profiling cookies: they are used to generate a user profile which, based on the user's preferences, it permits to personalize the navigation on the website as well as to improve the shopping experience. They also enable to show our ads on other affiliate websites (i.e retargeting). The company has no control whatsoever on the information provided by the third party cookies whose functioning is described in the third parties' privacy policies.

Which types of cookies do we use?

Navigation and functional cookies

These cookies guarantee the website's proper functioning. Without them, the website could loose some of its functionalities. Indeed, they contribute in maintaining the user's session and they help to prevent security threats. As an example, these cookies allow users to log in to their accounts, add products on their shopping cart and do the checkout safely. They do not collect or store any personal data.


These cookies collect data regarding the users' navigation experience on the website and they allow us to improve it accordingly. Statistics show which are the most visited pages and they can also report on critical issues encountered by users. Moreover, they also show if the advertisements are being effective. This allows us to build a more general model of the way the user experiences our website, rather than analyzing a single user.

We make use of aggregated data to analyze the website's traffic in order to create statistical analysis which take into account the users' characteristics and behaviors when navigating the website. We do this by taking into consideration demographics and the users' interests on specific areas of our website. We also employ Google Analytics, which makes use of cookies and similar services, aimed at collecting and examining data regarding our services as well as providing reports on users' activities and behavioral patterns.

These data allow us to measure the website's performance, together with improving our services. These cookies can also collect information regarding the usage of other websites, applications and online resources.

- ga (Google Inc): Cookie employed to register a unique ID which is used to generate statistical data regarding the user's website experience. Data retention period: 2 years.

-_gid(Google Inc): Cookie employed to register a unique ID which is used to generate statistical data regarding the user's website experience. Data retention period: 1 day.

-_gat(Google Inc): Cookie used by Google Analytics to limit servers' requests. Data retention period: 1 day.

-_fbp(Facebook): Cookie used by Facebook to provide advertisements, i.e. real-time offers from third party advertisers. Data retention period: 3 months.

Persistent marketing and analytics cookies

Klarna Bank AB (publ) (“Klarna”) uses cookies to recognize the user’s device for the purpose of providing personalized advertising of Klarna products the next time the user will browse a merchant website offering Klarna products, and for analytics purposes.

These cookies contain a unique user ID which will enable Klarna to recognize the user’s device the next time that user returns to a merchant using Klarna’s services. These are persistent cookies, stored on the device for a period of up to 540 days as of the last interaction with Klarna, or until they are deleted and allow Klarna (i) to show personalized marketing of Klarna products, including credit promotions to the user, and (ii) to perform analytics of the user behaviour. By connecting the unique user ID stored in the cookie on the device to the information Klarna has about the user, Klarna will be able to recognize the user of that device. The information Klarna collects through the cookies is not shared with any third party.

Klarna Bank AB (publ) is subject to Swedish Data Protection legislation, and is the data controller for the purpose of processing the personal data as described above. Klarna has a data protection officer and a team consisting of personal data experts. Klarna also has a customer service team handling questions relating to personal data. You are welcome to contact Klarna at [email protected]. Please visit for more information about Klarna, and how Klarna processes personal data.

Third party profiling cookies

These cookies are used mainly to provide advertisements which are tailored to your personal interests. This technique is called 'retargeting'. This means that cookie, pixels or plugins are integrated based on your navigation on the website. It can lead to showing you our services and products, such as advertisement banners, when you visit other websites.

_fbp(Facebook): Cookie used by Facebook to provide advertisements, like real-time offers from third party advertisers. Data retention period: 3 months.

How can I control the cookies preferences?

The majority of browsers automatically accepts the installation of cookies except for the cases in which some parameters have been modified. By using our website, you hereby accept the installation of cookies in agreement with our cookie policy. Navigation browsers are configured to accept, monitor and disable cookies through the settings panel.

We hereby remind you that disabling navigation or functional cookies can provoke a malfunctioning of the website and/or limit its functionalities.

Here you can find the path to follow in order to manage your cookie preferences from the following browsers:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla firefox:

Apple Safari:

Microsoft Windows Explorer: